Catch Denpa Men, form a party, and explore the world!
Denpa Men are floating around in various places near you.
Catch a lot of them and make a party all of your own!
The world map is very large, but once you've been somewhere once,
you can use the Jump function to warp there instantly.
Please have a pleasant trip!
Use the "Antenna Tower" in the center of the hero's
home island to find and catch Denpa Men.
When you find a Denpa Men you want to catch, align the sight,
and press the A Button to fire a net.
Form your very own party from the Denpa Men you've caught,
and go out on an adventure. There are many monsters and
mysteries waiting for you in the dungeons, fields, and oceans.
If you've played either of the first two games in the series,
"The“DENPA” MEN: They Came By Wave" or "The "DENPA" MEN 2: Beyond the Waves",
you can transfer your hero to start this game, and also bring along other Denpa Men you've caught.
Set off on a new adventure with your old friends!
Isn't it nice to take a break from your adventures now and then, and just stop to enjoy life?
If you find treasures called "XX Parts", you can get more islands
around the hero's home, Digitoll, including Residential Islands,
where more Denpa Men can live, Garden Islands, where you can grow fruits and trees,
and others such as Bazaar Island and Rental Island. Take a moment to enjoy island life!
You can decorate the houses of each of your Denpa Men allies!
You can change the wallpaper or floor, place furniture,
and even change the roof design! Choose outfits and house items for
your favorite Denpa Men to grow even more attached to them.
Why don't you take a break from your adventures to spend some time fishing or gardening?
When you fight monsters, every now and then you'll get a seed.
These seeds can be planted in gardens to grow plants.
There are also fishing spots in various locations around the world.
Buy and sell items with people from all over the world over the internet!
You can visit an online flea market on Bazaar Island.
Buy and sell from other players, and find deals better than at the regular shops.
You may even find some rare items that aren't available in your shops yet.
Lend the Denpa Men you're not using to players all over the world!
On Rental Island, you can lend the Denpa Men not in your party to other players,
and you can also borrow Denpa Men from other players to help you.
You'll receive a rental fee if someone rents your Denpa Men,
so you might get rich without even trying!
Battle players from all over the world at the Coliseum!
There are 2 kinds of battles: Ranking Battles, and Free Battles.
Win medals by defeating your opponents in either type of battle,
and exchange the medals for rare items!
Just by pushing the L and R Buttons at the same time,
you can take a picture easily at any time during your adventures.
The pictures will be saved to the SD Card, so you can see them on your
3DS or a computer. And now you can use the Nintendo 3DS picture posting
tool to easily upload your snapshots to twitter.
The 3D images can only be seen on your Nintendo 3DS system. The screenshots are in 2D.
'THE "DENPA" MEN 3 The Rise of Digitoll' is a registered trademark of Genius Sonority Inc.
The Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo Co., Ltd.